Token unlock and rewards claim

Once you stake tokens, the "Your positions" section of the staking pool page will give you all the information you need about your current position:

  1. Start and end dates of the staking period

  2. APR

  3. Your share

  4. NFT address

  5. Staked balance

  6. Claimed rewards

  7. Available rewards

This is also where you can claim commissions ($JVT pool only) and staking rewards.

Receiving staking rewards

To receive staking rewards, you need to click on "Claim rewards" and then confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Receiving $JVT staking commissions

All $JVT stakers participate in distributing a portion of the platform's commissions. To receive your share of the service's revenue, you need to click "Claim comissions", tick all the available tokens you wish to receive, and then confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Last updated