Pool creation
Creation of a fixed-return pool
Go to the My Pools section, press "+" and fill in the required information about the pool.
In the "Pool name" field enter the name of the pool (note that the name must be unique), in the "Staking jetton address" and "Rewards jetton address" fields enter the addresses of smart contracts of tokens that users will block in the pool and that will be used as rewards for stakers. In the "Rewards" field, enter the number of rewards you want to distribute to pool users. In the image field, you can upload an image that will be used in the NFT bond collection.
Next, configure the staking plans: enter up to four possible locking periods and their corresponding RPJs (Rewards per Jetton), the number of rewards (in rewards jetton) that the staker will receive for each token locked for the specified period
You can also configure the minimum deposit and the start date of the staking if you do not want the staking to start as soon as the pool is created.
After filling in the required information, click "Deploy pool" and confirm the transaction in your wallet. The smart contract of the staking pool will then be deployed and the "Deploy pool" button will change to "Add rewards".
Click on this button and confirm the transaction in your wallet again to add rewards to your staker rewards pool. This is necessary for your pool to be displayed on the main page of the site. Until you top up the pool with the amount you specified when you created it, it will remain in the "archived" state.
Creating a floating return pool
Creating a floating return staking pool is much the same as creating a fixed return pool, except that instead of filling in the locking periods and their corresponding rewards, you must select the period for which the rewards will be fully distributed among the pool participants.
Also, when creating a pool, you can specify the length of the minimum lockup period for tokens in the pool. In this case, to receive rewards, the staker will need to block tokens for the specified period.
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