Pool creation and adding rewards

Deploying a smart contract

Any user can create their own staking pool. To do this, go to the corresponding page and fill in the necessary information about the staking pool and the periods of unstake (there can be from 1 to 4 in one pool)

Example of data filling

Many fields (such as Min and Max deposits, Deposit fee, Max. TVL) can be left blank, in this case default values will be used. All mandatory fields are marked with a cyan asterisk (*).

After filling in all the data, the user can request a transaction to deploy the smart contract of the staking pool by clicking the ‘Deploy pool’ button in the upper right corner and confirm the transaction in their wallet.

Example of transaction confirmation window

Once the transaction is indexed, the user will be able to find the staking pool on the homepage, but it will be in an archived state. In order to make the pool available to everyone, it is necessary to add rewards to it.

Adding awards for stakers

Example of an archived pool

To fill up the reward pool, click ‘Open management tool’ (1), in the opened panel fill in all data about the new reward distribution (token address, number of rewards, distribution period) (2), and click ‘Save jetton’ (3). Then confirm the transaction to save the token address in the smart contract.

Transaction confirmation result

After the transaction is indexed, a button to add rewards will appear. Click on it and confirm sending tokens.

Transaction of adding rewards

Once the rewards are added, the pool will become active for all users.

Successful addition of awards

You can use up to 10 reward tokens in one staking pool, with 60 different allocation periods at a time.

Last updated